
Barbeiro passa dias de folga cortando o cabelo de mendigos na Austrália

Em seus dias de folga, Nasir Sobhani, que é ex-viciado em drogas, vai para as ruas e corta o cabelo de mendigos - Reprodução/Instagram
Em seus dias de folga, Nasir Sobhani, que é ex-viciado em drogas, vai para as ruas e corta o cabelo de mendigos Imagem: Reprodução/Instagram

Do UOL, em São Paulo

02/07/2015 18h53

O barbeiro Nasir Sobhani, 26, que vive em Melbourne, na Austrália, passa a maior parte de sua semana cortando o cabelo das pessoas. Mas em seus dias de folga, Sobhani, que é ex-viciado em drogas, vai para as ruas e apara os cabelos de mendigos como parte de uma iniciativa que ele chama de "Corte limpo, começo limpo", segundo reportagem do "Herald Sun".

Ele começou esta iniciativa há cerca de um ano, como forma de mostrar seu apreço pela sua sobriedade, e também para ajudar as pessoas necessitadas a obter um novo começo.

Este altruísmo virou o tema de um documentário lançado recentemente, "O Barbeiro das Ruas". "Um corte de cabelo pode fazer muito para alguém. E é isso que eu nomeei o que faço de 'Corte limpo, começo limpo'", diz Sobhani no documentário. "Estou esperando que com um corte limpo você vai ter um início limpo para a vida."

Em seus dias de voluntariado, Sobhani sai com seu skate e um kit de barbeiro na mão. Como ele corta o cabelo para os sem-teto, documenta suas transformações, bem como as suas histórias em seu perfil no Instagram.

Ele diz que ideia para a iniciativa foi idealizada depois que se mudou do Canadá para Melbourne há três anos, após a sua conclusão de reabilitação. Na época, estava trabalhando como barbeiro aprendiz. Um dia, falou a um homem que estava limpando as janelas da loja, que era um viciado em heroína em recuperação. O homem estava sóbrio por cerca de um mês e decidiu comemorar com um corte de cabelo. Após o corte, a mãe do homem veio e tirou fotos de seu novo visual, chorando.

"Foi nesse momento que percebi que se eu poderia ajudar a incentivar essa mudança para um cara e tudo que eu estou fazendo é exatamente o que eu amo fazer, então talvez eu deveria continuar fazendo isso", ele disse ao "Herald Sun". "Você já tem mais confiança quando tem um novo corte de cabelo. Agora imagine como é para alguém que realmente passa por maus bocados na vida."


This is Ganesh. He is 34 years old and has one daughter. He immigrated to Australia with his mother and brother almost 20 years ago - his father abandoned them in Fiji. Upon arrival at the age of 15, he met a girl. He fell head over heels for her, and she soon became his first love. They got a home together and had a baby daughter. Things were great for him until he found out she was having an affair. After finding out, he didn't leave her - she left him. After she left, she took his daughter with her and then his home. Distraught, broken, and alone, he was forced to live on the streets in his misery. He took up heroin in order to try his best to mask the pain of heartbreak. To this day he says - 10 years later - he's still not over her and hasn't been able to settle down. Thankfully, by the grace of his mother's love she took him into her home and did her best to do what a mother does best - nurture her youngest son. Since then, he has become a full-time carer for his oldest brother Vic (future story) and does his best to try and kick his occasional heroin habit - which has been too hard to kick since his time on the streets. The last time he tried getting a haircut the clipper died halfway through his cut, so he was forced to wear an unfinished cut. When I asked him what he wanted me to do, he said "whatever you want bro, just help make my beard look clean because I want to keep it". So I hooked him up with with a skin fade, beard trim, a line up, and put aftershave on him to not only feel fresh but to look fresh too. When I showed him the mirror, I took a video of his reaction. Make sure to check it out :) #cleancutcleanstart #thestreetsbarberproject #thestreetsbarber

Uma foto publicada por Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber) em


This is Marcel. He is in his late 30's. I may state that many of my street clients are wonderful, sweet and pure souls but I can honestly say that no one, in my experience, has been as kind and and generous as Marcel. He has 4 kids, none of which he gets to see anymore. The mother of his children who was his first love and now ex-wife took them away from him several years back. When him and his wife were together, they would use drugs often and that led his wife to become a street worker in order to make an income to supply their habit. Marcel on the other hand was a musician. When they had their first child they both decided to kick the drugs and clean up. After their fourth child, Marcel lost lots of weight due to various stress and anxiety and his wife thought he was back on the gear again - which in turn led her to leave him and move to Western Australia. That destroyed Marcel's mental and emotional health, causing him to legitimately get back on the gear, which ultimately led him to the streets. He is a chronic alcoholic and drinks mostly to mask his pain from everything. He now busks around the streets of Footscray doing comedy and selling various art pieces. He told me at one point "Man, my kids should be here working and having fun with their dad right now". It was very dark and sad the way he said it. He wanted to keep his dreads but with a faded undercut, a cleanup on his mustache and facial hair. I finished him off with a dry shampoo and aftershave. After the cut he had a dollar coin and asked me if I had extra change to give him for a beverage and I told him I only had card and no cash - which he literally understood as me not having any money and he was like "aw man, take my last dollar". He thanked me, put it in my hand and walked away. I almost cried from that selfless gesture. #cleancutcleanstart #thestreetsbarber

Uma foto publicada por Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber) em