
China tenta lidar com surto de peste suína africana que vem matando porcos em todo o país

Criação de porcos na China - A photo provided by Raymond Zhong of pigs in China. African swine fever, which harms pigs but not humans, has swept across the country, the world?s largest pork producer. And those are only the cases the government knows about. (Raymond Zhong via The New York Times) -- NO SALES; FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY WITH NYT STORY CHINA PIGS EPIDEMIC BY RAYMOND ZHONG AND AILIN TANG FOR APRIL 23, 2019. ALL OTHER USE PROHIBITED. --
Criação de porcos na China Imagem: A photo provided by Raymond Zhong of pigs in China. African swine fever, which harms pigs but not humans, has swept across the country, the world?s largest pork producer. And those are only the cases the government knows about. (Raymond Zhong via The New York Times) -- NO SALES; FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY WITH NYT STORY CHINA PIGS EPIDEMIC BY RAYMOND ZHONG AND AILIN TANG FOR APRIL 23, 2019. ALL OTHER USE PROHIBITED. --

Raymond Zhong e Ailin Tang

Em Xijiahe (China)

24/04/2019 00h01

As vítimas da peste têm uma morte horrível.

Primeiro, febre alta. A pele fica arroxeada. Olhos e narizes escorrem. Apresentam diarreia com sangue. E em questão de dias, morte. A taxa de sobrevivência é quase zero.